It rained last Thursday. It was the first good rain we have had in quite a while. When the weather is bad I walk inside the building on my breaks and lunch hour. It’s a great building in which to do so. The hall is long and wide and sections of it are open past the second story. The walls along those sections are glass, and so is the slanted ceiling. When it rains you can both see and hear it hit the ceiling and cascade down the walls.
One of the things about walking on breaks and lunch at the same time each weekday, you often meet the same people. There are all kinds of people in the hallway. People walk in groups or singly, some have their earbuds in and faces planted in their phones. Others stroll or stride; some smile, some don’t. There’s one gentleman I see about every day. He strides, head up, smile on his face, often looking at the wonderful scenes outside the massive windows. We greet each other. Last Thursday, he remarked how great it was to hear the rain hit the ceiling and windows. I agreed.
There is a song by William McDowell on his “Revival” CD. One line in the song says, “I hear the sound of the rain coming.” As I walked those hallways Thursday that line kept running through my mind. I could hear the sound of the natural rain and it was grand! At the same time, there were those so busy, so interested in their phones, that they appeared to not even notice that it was raining.
We often speak of revival in terms of rain, as the rain of the Holy Spirit coming upon us. As I walked, and listened, and watched the rain fall, I realized that so many will miss it. They will be so busy with the world that they will walk with heads down, earbuds in, completely unaware that God is sending the rain of His Spirit to earth. I, for one, don’t want to miss the Holy Spirit’s rain! My head is up, LORD, and I’ listening!