
by TerryLema

“All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” [2 Timothy 3:16-17]

Profitable to Whom? That is the great question with this verse, especially in our times. When we think about the reasons why all Scripture is profitable listed in that verse – teaching, rebuking, correcting, training in righteousness – we often apply those things to the people we see in the world. They certainly need to be trained, taught, rebuked, and corrected, don’t they?

That is not to whom this verse is directed. It is directed to the child of God. Its intention is to make the child of God complete and equipped for every good work.

The person we should see in the Scripture’s mirror is none other than us. Everyone who claims to be a child of God through the power of Christ Jesus’ work on the cross needs to be taught the will and the ways of God. Otherwise, we are like that seed that has no root. The first wind that we encounter moves us away from the One Who Died For Us.

When we deviate from God’s will and ways, we need to be rebuked and our path corrected. The Scriptures are great at producing a godly sorrow in us that leads to repentance – if we let them.

We all need to be trained in righteousness. That word “trained” reminds me of children when they hit the “Terrible Two’s.” That is when our once sweet, innocent Infants help us understand that we are all born with a “sin nature,” a nature that loves the word “NO!” and to do things OUR OWN WAY. The Scriptures are designed to reinforce God’s righteousness and holiness in our lives and remind us that training takes consistency and time.

Thank you, LORD, for not leaving us as You found us.

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