One of my favorite chapters in the NT is Romans 12. After all the deep theology of the previous chapters, Paul gets in our face right from the beginning … “offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God.” [vs 1]
Then he goes on to show us exactly how to do that. I was struck by verse 13 this morning. “Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.”
I had been reading the story of Jasmine, the greyhound who was rescued from a life of neglect and abuse and taken to a British wildlife sanctuary. Jasmine was an amazing animal example of Paul’s words to us. She was not only a rescue, she turned to providing love to many of the other rescues that came into the sanctuary. She practiced hospitality. You can read her story at
Each one of us is a rescue. We have been rescued from the realm of darkness and transferred into the Kingdom of Light – the Kingdom of God’s Dear Son. We have been adopted as sons and daughters into God’s family. Now it is our turn to welcome other rescues, those who are in need, those who are lonely, or hopeless, or different.
When people come into our churches, they should be met with hospitality – our love, our welcome, a hug, a smile. Often people are unsure of how they will be treated, whether they will “fit in” or even if their presence will be noticed or received. As Believers, let’s be aware of those who come to us in need and practice good, honest, welcoming hospitality within our churches.
Jesus welcomed us. Now it is our turn to give that welcome to others.