
by TerryLema

Inflation is out of control. Gas prices are rising; every day a new price is posted. Groceries are more expensive, along with just about everything else. Wages, unfortunately, are not keeping pace. And living on a fixed retirement income forces people to make choices of what to buy and when. The word “poor” is becoming part of many people’s vocabulary.

Sometimes, however, the word “poor” is a good thing.  Jesus used the word “poor” when He began speaking to the multitudes in what we call “The Sermon on the Mount.”

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” [Matthew 5:4 NKJV]

The word “poor” as used here means we are destitute, without resources, weak, powerless, and spiritually bankrupt. Jesus began the Sermon on the Mount with the foundation for all the other spiritual attitudes that please God.

To be poor in spirit means that we recognize our spiritual need. It makes us compare ourselves to God where we acknowledge that we have nothing within us that will gain us standing with Him. We see that in Him is all abundance, mercy, grace, and everything we need to be called His children.

Poor in spirit allows us to see through our pride and to know God for who He is and to know our own hearts for what they are apart from Him. Only then will we be blessed and enjoy the kingdom of heaven.

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