There are phrases in Scripture, a short blend of common words, that when seen with spiritual eyes take our breath away. They raise us into the heavenlies with our thoughts, they conform our attitudes and renew and restore our hope. I mentioned one such phrase yesterday … “useful to the Master.”
Those few little words open us up to endless possibilities. As I was considering that phrase, I accidentally came across another … perhaps one even more amazing. It is found in 1 Peter: “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.” [1:3-4]
Did you see it tucked away in those verses? Five little words that carry a depth of meaning that changes everything. We have been given the promise that we may, “participate in the divine nature.”
That of course does not mean that we become God. That just won’t happen. There is a vast difference between the Creator and His Creation. But it does mean that as our father Adam was made in the image of God, so we too as we are in Christ Jesus (the Second Adam) and renewed by the Holy Spirit, are also made in the image of God. This is totally a work of God, given to us through grace.
How is that reflected in our life? Certainly not by mere assertion or by arrogance.
As God is love, we become love. As God is truth, we become true. As our God is a Good Father, we are made good by His goodness. As God is holy and pure, we become pure in heart. Yes, partakers in the divine nature. All that Jesus is, by His strength, power and authority should be reflected in our every word and action.
But there is even more. That will have to wait for tomorrow. God bless!