This week I’m going through my closet (again). I’m sorting out garments I no longer need or ones that no longer fit. I’m sending some off to be recycled through a charitable organization; others that are too worn or stained beyond help are going in the trash. There are some garments, however, that I really like that I’ve been hanging on to even though they no longer fit. I have a few pretty jackets that have survived various closet cleaning episodes although I can no longer wear them. I just hate to part with them.
I’ve got some other things in my life that I seem reluctant to part with, parts of my old self. I have habits, desires and faults (sins) that I hang on to although I have been instructed by Paul to “put them off” the same way I put off clothes that no longer fit.
“Put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” [Eph 4:22-24]
When we came to Christ, He made us a new person through the ministry of reconciliation. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” [2 Cor 5:17]
hrist Jesus gave us new garments, garments of righteousness and holiness. We no longer need, nor do the old garments from our old life fit. Those old desires, our old way of thinking, our stained habits are to be stripped from our souls and discarded. It takes a deliberate action on our part.
Remember, “Spiritual Growth is Deliberate.” Time to clean out our spiritual closet and deliberately discard the old and make room for the new!