Out of Control

by TerryLema

I recently read a series of questions in a writing of Charles Stanley.  “Do we believe God is in control?  If He’s not, then who is?  In other words, if life events are random and without purpose, then to whom do we turn in trials?”

 Col 2:9-10:  For the entire fullness of God’s nature dwells bodily in Christ,  and you have been filled by Him, who is the head over every ruler and authority.”  [HCSB]

I love the book of Colossians, which speaks repeatedly of the supremacy of Christ Jesus.  Christ is the head of every power and authority.  Whenever I get to thinking that the things I am experiencing are out of my control, I need to rejoice in just that … that they are out of my control!  That is a good thing.

I have little power or strength truly in this world in my own self.  I can look to some things and says, yes, I have a pretty quick mind, a bit of common sense, and a ready smile.  But I’m also aging, and the body is slowing down (and getting a bit less responsive to my demands). I can’t juggle as many things as I used to and keep them all straight.

Everything I do, I do slower.  So, if I am going to look for the power and ability to be victorious in life as it happens, I need to look outside of myself.  I need to look at the One who is the Head over every power and authority.

I am so thankful that as children of God, we can turn to Him and know He is indeed in control.  While I may not have the full picture of all He is doing, I know that He’s working all things for eternal good.  I can rest in that.

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