Out For a Stroll

by TerryLema

I was strolling through Romans 12 recently. It is a chapter I love to stroll through—just to make sure my heart, mind and life are on the right track. The world, the enemy of our soul, and our own sinful flesh (that refuses to die) love to try to divert us from that “right track.”

Along my stroll I found a place to stop and ponder.  It was in the second half of verse 9—especially that little world “cling.”

“Detest evil; cling to what is good.” [HCSB]

Some of the older translations use the word “cleave.”

The word for cling/cleave is kollaó, and it means to glue or bond, to become intimately connected.

Doesn’t that just paint a beautiful picture. We are to stick like glue to what is good.

So, to do that we must determine what is good. The word for good is agathos and for the believer describes what originates from God and is empowered by Him in our lives through faith.

Ah, what a beautiful “good” originates in God and flows to us through faith in Him.  Grace. Mercy. Love. Redemption. Joy. Life. Light. Forgiveness. Compassion. Inheritance. Freedom. Adoption. Wisdom….

The list is eternal. Hallelujah!

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