Our High Place

by TerryLema

Ps 9:9: “The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.” [NIV]

The word translated refuge and stronghold in this verse is the same Hebrew word, misgab.  It means a cliff or other lofty inaccessible place. Psalm 9 is attributed to David in most Bible translations, but apparently some scholars disagree with that. If it was David, he surely knew about refuges and strongholds, having been pursued by both Saul with his armies as well as the armies of the Philistines on far too many occasions.

In this world we can experience oppression or trouble from many sources. Sometimes it comes to us from others, sometimes from the enemy of our soul. Life, itself, often crushes and injures us. We face difficulties, diseases, dying.

Under the law, God established six cities of refuge, Levitical towns where those who caused the death of another could flee for refuge from the family member designated to revenge the death. There they would be safe as they waited until a trial could be held to determine if the death was an act of murder of unintentional. [Number 35]

Under the Gospel, Christ is our city of refuge.  No matter what the affliction, oppression, or trouble, we can flee to Christ Jesus as our refuge, our stronghold. Safe in His High Place, nothing can reach us, no matter what its source!

Thank you, Father, for sending Your Son to be our City of Refuge. Amen.

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