Our Hearts – Part Five: Pride

by TerryLema

One of the greatest risk factors for our hearts is Pride. The Scriptures are filled with warnings against pride and how God views pride.

“Everyone with a proud heart is detestable to the Lord; be assured, he will not go unpunished.” [Proverbs 16:5 HCSB]

Pride is extremely dangerous. Pride takes credit for what God has done. It takes credit for the talents God created within us, credit for the salvation / grace He has freely given us, credit for everything we have done since being saved.

“What do you have that you didn’t receive. If in fact you did receive it, why do you boast as if you hadn’t received it.” [1 Corinthians 4:7 HCSB]

Pride can lead to other deeper sins, such as arrogance, vanity, and contempt of others. It is extremely harmful to our hearts because it prevents us from admitting our faults and learning from our mistakes. It can also keep us from seeking help when we need it.

It especially keeps us from seeking God’s help. Psalm 10:4 tells us that pride makes us so consumed with ourselves that our hearts have no room to seek God.

Lord, keep me from a spirit of pride, keep me humble before you with a grateful heart for all you have done, are doing, and will do in me, for me, and through me. Amen

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