Our God

by TerryLema

Quarterback Tom Brady retired. Well, maybe. He retired from the New England Patriots a few years ago, but then came out of retirement to play for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Now he has retired from the Bucs, but only he knows if he will stay retired.

Tom Brady won seven Super Bowls, six with the Patriots and one with the Bucs. Most label him “The GOAT.” The GOAT means, “The Greatest Of All Times.”

Last year a new business (a donut shop) opened near us. The sign on the strip mall said, “GOATstar Donuts.” I drove by that sign for months before it dawned on me what it meant. “Greatest of All Time Star Donuts.” (I don’t know if they are the greatest, but they are good!)

One of the psalms I read today was Psalm 70, a psalm of David. David, the king aligns himself with all those who are poor and needy. He seeks the help of God for salvation and the defeat of his enemies. Then he reminds all those who have experienced God’s salvation to declare “God is Great!”

“Let all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; let those who love Your salvation continually say, ‘God is great!’” [Psalm 70:4 HCSB]

We are to rejoice. We are to be glad. We are to continually say, our “God is great!”  And maybe, we should amend that just a bit to “Our God is the GREATEST OF ALL TIME!” 

He has no equals. He has no rivals. There is no other God like our God! Let’s shout it for all the world to hear!

1 Samuel 2:2: “There is no one holy like the Lord. There is no one besides You! And there is no rock like our God.”

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