Our Father’s Business

by TerryLema

In recent weeks, we have seen much devastation around our world.  Tornadoes have left wide-spread damage, countless number of people without homes or resources. There have been earthquakes and mud slides around the world. In Idaho, we are wondering if we will have another difficult fire season.

Many are looking to the federal government to bail them out with emergency funds, but the federal government is not all that flush with money either.  FEMA funds often run low, Congress always fights over budget expenses and revenues. I think most everyone would agree, things are a mess.

Many Christians are looking at the mess and thinking it’s signs of the Lord’s return and asking the question–If these truly are the signs of the Lord’s Second Coming, what should we be doing? 

In Luke chapter 2, Joseph and Mary had taken 12-year-old Jesus to Jerusalem with them. Then they lost Him. They were already heading home when they had every parent’s nightmare, they could not find their child.

They returned to Jerusalem and found the young man sitting with the elders and teachers in the temple courts. He didn’t understand why they were so upset and asked them, “Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?”  [verse 49 NKJV]

While they were panicked, Jesus was just doing what He knew He was supposed to be doing.

Yes, today things are a mess. And yes, some may even panic. Still, beloved, we need to be like our Master … going about our Father’s business. 

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