One Thing Lacking

by TerryLema

Mark 10:17-22 tells the story of Jesus’ meeting with the “Rich Young Ruler.” The young man came to Jesus, knelt before Him and presented Him with a question, “Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life.

Don’t you find it odd when you read that story that Jesus didn’t just say, “Believe on me, the One Whom God has sent to bring salvation.”

Instead Jesus confronted the young man about the way he addressed Him and lists a few commandments that need to be kept. The young man then addresses Jesus with a simplified title, “Teacher” and says he has kept all those laws since he was a young man.

What comes next always makes me think. Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, ‘One thing you lack….’” [v21 NKJV]

In His great compassion and love for this young, rich ruler, Jesus tells him to give up his riches, which he held in greater honor than his love for God. The young man is unable to do so and walks away holding on to his riches and letting go of his desire for eternal life.

Ever wonder what Jesus would say if it were us rather than that rich young ruler. I have. What would be the “one thing” that Jesus highlighted in me that I held in greater honor than my desire for Him. I don’t have riches, so it certainly would not be that. Still, I wonder if there is anything in me that Jesus could point to and say, “one thing you lack ….”

Oh, Precious Savior, let me not hold anything in higher honor than my life in You. Amen.

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