One Thing is Needed

by TerryLema

Luke 10:41-42: “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”  

How many sermons and articles have been written about the one thing found in the story of Mary and Martha. I have heard some great ones, and I’ve heard some that seemed to me to miss the mark.

Most of the time we see ourselves as predominantly one or the other. We are either Martha, bustling around trying to feed and care for a bunch of guys who show up for dinner. (Who knows how much that big fisherman could eat all by himself!) All the while her sister is lounging with the guys in the living room.

Or we see ourselves as Mary, choosing the better part to remain at the feet of Jesus to hear what He is saying, ignoring the work that needs doing, resisting the strains of complaining from her sister bearing the burden of service.

I love these two ladies. Jesus loved these two ladies. I don’t think we are to choose between being a Mary or a Martha, between being in the presence of the Lord or serving. Martha’s problem was not her service, it was her worry and anxiety in her serving.

Our lives are to combine Mary and Martha. We are to sit at His feet and find there the motivation and power to then serve with humility and peace. Spending time with Jesus always results in the desire to serve Him more, and how do we serve Him? By serving others.

Father, give me the desire and power to both bask in Your presence and serve Your people. Amen.

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