
by TerryLema

1 Tim 2:5-6:  “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all.” [NKJV]

That’s a hard pill to swallow for some. One God. One Mediator (way to God). And His name is Jesus, the Christ. He gave Himself as a ransom for all.  We were in slavery to sin. He set us free.

But it seems not all want to be free … at least not enough to place their faith in the Man Christ Jesus. We do want freedom … but we want it our way. Set us free, give us all the blessings and promises, but give it to us without our having to place our faith in that one Mediator between God and men.

If we could get the blessings, without having to get Jesus, we’d be so happy.  At least that is what we think.

When we come to Christ Jesus in faith, we not only get the blessings of God, we get the God of all blessing. And that is so much more, so very much more, than we can even imagine or think.  That God–the Creator, Sustainer, wants us, WANTS US, boggles the mind. Why would He want us?

We have nothing to offer, even the very breath we think is ours comes from Him. We have no talent He did not first bless us with. We have no riches that have not come from His resources. We are rebellious, stubborn, self-centered and often ill-mannered. And still He wants us.

Maybe it’s not that hard of a pill to swallow after all!

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