On the Contrary

by TerryLema

How often have I noted that I am blessed – and I am. God has given me grace, mercy, redemption, love, peace, and a future. Yes, I am blessed.

Being blessed by God is wonderful, but there is an accompanying responsibility that we are also to be a blessing to others. “Others” incorporates both fellow believers and non-believers – even those who are hostile to us.

Peter wrote of this in his first letter. “Now finally, all of you should be like-minded and sympathetic, should love believers, and be compassionate and humble, not paying back evil for evil or insult for insult but, on the contrary, giving a blessing, since you were called for this, so that you can inherit a blessing.” [3:8-9 HCSB]

As Christians we are born again into God’s loving family. As His children we are to live in harmony, love, and humility among other Christians. Those are not natural qualities but are born of the grace God has lavished upon us.

But Peter notes, there is more than just loving family. There is also the way we are to respond to hostility and turmoil. Christians are to respond to evil with blessing.  They are not to retaliate or respond in kind to insults.

“On the contrary” Peter says, they are to give a blessing.

That is not easy, but oh, it is so necessary. First, it is a matter of obedience – God calls us to respond in this way. In addition, it appears that “giving a blessing” is crucial to “inherit a blessing.”

Father, thank you for the blessings you heap upon us. Help us to now be a blessing to all! Amen.

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