Old Dogs

by TerryLema

I was on my way to McDonald’s Monday night. The last Monday of each month Bob goes to a dinner and meeting at the American Legion. I take that opportunity to grab a fast-food meal, usually at a place that Bob is not fond of. Last Monday it was McDonald’s.

As I was driving God popped a memory of a prayer I prayed around three years ago, and even brought back what prompted that prayer!

At the time I noted three people who consistently walked their dogs around our neighborhood.  Each day a man walked two large, powerful dogs. They pulled him along, leashes taunt in front of him, as he strained to keep them from dragging him down the sidewalk.

There was also a woman who was walking a puppy. That puppy stopped all the time, sniffing everything, exploring at the end of the leash as the woman kept pulling him along trying to get him to keep up with her as she walked.

The third person I saw each day was an older man walking an old dog. The dog walked next to the man without a leash. He never ran ahead nor trailed behind. He was just pleased to walk beside his master.

As I watched them, I was moved to pray, “LORD, I want to be like that old dog, simply walking alongside you anywhere you go. I don’t want to run ahead, nor lag behind. I just want to walk with You.”

Remembering that prayer last Monday brought tears. I still want to be like that old dog. If that is where I am in life now, I will be pleased to simply walk alongside my LORD. Amen.

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