For the last three decades, I have used the same Bible Reading Plan to read through my Bible each year. Each day there are two chapters from the Old Testament, one Psalm or Proverb, and one chapter from the New Testament. Sometimes how those chapters fall on a given day provide a remarkable contrast.
Recently, I read Ecclesiastes 1 & 2, and Ephesians 1. Ecclesiastes was written by King Solomon. The kingdom reached its earthly peak under Solomon. It was rich and powerful. If you have a chance, read Ecclesiastes 1 & 2. You will notice the reoccurrence of certain words; one the KJV translates as “vanity,” the NIV “meaningless,” and the new Christian Standard, “futility.”
Solomon, wealthy, powerful, must have clearly been depressed by life the day he wrote. Made me hang my head just reading about it.
But then I read Ephesians 1, written by Paul, who often described himself as “the prisoner of the Lord.” This is the Paul who recounted his numerous trials and tribulations, the beatings and shipwrecks he suffered and said he had learned to be content no matter what the circumstances. If you have time today, also read Ephesians 1 and compare Paul’s language with Solomon.
Paul’s words: “Every spiritual blessing in Christ…adopted as sons (and daughters)…glorious grace which He has freely given us…redemption…forgiveness…God’s grace lavished on us with wisdom and understanding…chosen…praise of His glory…the promised Holy Spirit guaranteeing our inheritance…hope to which He has called you…riches of His glorious inheritance…incomparably great power for us…the fullness of Him who fills everything.”
And that’s just Chapter 1! Oh, the glorious life we find in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior! Thank you, Lord.