
by TerryLema

“Worship without obedience is worthless.”

When I read that the other day, it really made me think.  Is that true?  Is there no value in worship if there is no obedience in the worshipper?  Then I remembered what Jesus said to the religious leaders of His day when they confronted Him about his disciples not ceremonially washing their hands before they ate.

He began to teach them about what truly honoring God was about and He used a quote out of Isaiah 29.  These people,” He said, honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.  They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.” (Matthew 15:8, Mark 7:6)

They worship me in vain.”  It is possible to spend an entire Sunday in a praise and worship service and offer God nothing and receive nothing from God. It is possible to worship in vain when it is done without obedience.

Worship springs from the heart and if the heart is in rebellion against our Creator and Shepherd, then there is nothing good to offer Him. It is wasted energy and wasted time.

Oh, but when the heart has been made right through the power of Christ’s salvation, when we strive with the power of the Holy Spirit to live a life of repentance and commitment to God our Father, then worship becomes what it is meant to be. It honors God and it edifies us.

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