
by TerryLema

I am feeling a bit of nostalgia this morning. This year so much has changed and will change in the near future. I am about to enter what I think is a very new phase of life. I still do not know if I will like it, or how much time I will take to adjust to it, or if it really will be as different as I anticipate. I do know that some things are certain.

One, I am coming close to the finish line on my ministry at The Way Middleton. Two, Bob and I will not be as free to travel as we have been over past decades, not that we went anywhere except to California happily to see our son and his family. Three … well, maybe just one and two are enough to contemplate today.

As I was thinking about all this change, I decided to be a bit nostalgic about the next few devotions. I have a favorite chapter in Luke’s Gospel. (Well, it is one of my favorite chapters.) I like to sneak back and read it often and have done many message on it. I think over the next few days I will do a few more. (Smile!)

The chapter is Luke 7. It contains four interactions Jesus had. The first was with the centurion, then the widow of Nain. Third was with John the Baptizer’s disciples and the last was the beautiful interaction with the sinful woman in Simon the Pharisee’s house.

I love watching Jesus as He meets people in the Gospel. I love how He responds to each one differently, as each one has different needs.

Toward the end of Luke’s Gospel, Jesus explained His purpose, which is the theme of Luke’s Gospel.  “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save the lost.” [Luke 19:10 HCSB]

These events captured in Luke 7 show Jesus’ purpose in action.  Read Luke 7 today … tomorrow we are going to meet an amazing Centurion and Jesus’ response to him.

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