My Thinning Hair

by TerryLema

Recently I got a haircut.   I realized just how long and shaggy I had become.  Getting a haircut is often a tender experience.  My hair seems to get thinner and thinner each time.  It has always been fine (a nicer term than skinny hair shafts).  But in times past I had a lot more of it and it wasn’t as noticeable.  Now it is both fine and sparse.

All that reminded me about God’s care for me.  Both Matthew 10 and Luke 12 speak of God’s care for His creation … He knows even when the tiniest of birds fall to the ground.  He also knows just how many hairs are on our heads, He has them all numbered.

If God knows the ever-changing number of hairs we possess, He knows the whole.  He understands my fears and sorrows.  He is aware of my weaknesses and my needs.  He knows when I’m hurt and when I’ve given in to the temptation to be less than I should be.

He also knows what I can be in Him.  He knows when I’ll follow His leading, when I’ll be courageous in His Spirit and speak and do what He’s asked.  He knows the times He can depend on me, those times when I will faithfully respond to His call.

In other words, He knows all of me.  When I meditate on that thought, I understand why David wrote what he did in Ps 8:3-4: “When I observe Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You set in place, what is man that You remember him, the son of man that You look after him?” [HCSB]

To think that the God who created the galaxies and cosmos, the billions and billions of stars and moons knows and cares about my thinning hair leaves me both amazed and comforted.

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