“All the men assigned to the camp of Dan number 157,600. They will set out last, under their standards.” [Numbers 2:31 NIV]
There was a particular order in which the tribes of Israel camped and marched in the wilderness. The tabernacle and ark were always in the center, with tribes in front, on both sides and behind. The Danites were assigned to be the rearguard. [Numbers 10:25]
I’m not sure if any of want to be assigned to bringing up the rear, especially if a few million people are marching in front of us. I can only imagine what it was like for the Danites back there, eating the dust of people, dodging the droppings of the herds of sheep and cattle.
And yet, the rearguard is vitally important. They make sure the stragglers don’t get left behind. They also make sure that the enemy doesn’t go around and attack from the rear.
The rearguard must be just as vigilant as those in the front and on the side, maybe more so. The enemy of our soul seldom comes knocking on the front door declaring his intentions to subdue us, but he will mount an attack from the rear and hope we have left that unguarded.
Our Father God thought it so important to have a rearguard that He Himself promised to be ours! “The LORD will go before you, the God of Israel will be your rear guard.” [Isa 52:12 NIV]
Father, thank you for being my rearguard. Let me be mindful of the Spirit’s warnings and promptings. Help me to remember that the attacks against my soul are seldom head on but will often blindside me or sneak up from behind. I know, Holy Spirit, you send out the warning. Help me to be vigilant in hearing Your alert! Amen.