My Portion Forever

by TerryLema

Asaph was one of the Levites assigned to the work of the house of the Lord as his portion of the Promised Land.  He was a musician; you’ll see his name on a number of Psalms.

In Psalm 73 Asaph writes of a time in his life when he looked around and saw how prosperous the wicked had become.  He saw what he describes as their carefree lives; lives free from the daily struggles so many must endure just to survive.  He bemoans the fact that they are full of pride and arrogance, and that they oppress others to get what they want.

As he surveys the prosperous wicked, he almost loses his faith … he says my feet nearly slipped.  He almost lost his foothold as he became envious of their easy lifestyle.  The thing that saved him was when he surveyed the outcome of their lives … destruction.  Seeing their eternal future made Asaph appreciate his.

Asaph remembers his portion as a Levite, a musician and keeper of the Law of the Lord.  He writes in verse 26, “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart, my portion forever.” [HCSB]

God was Asaph’s portion forever.  And God would keep his heart strong now.

Church, our portion forever is Christ Jesus.  That should keep our hearts strong no matter how the wicked prosper around us now.

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