My Lease Favorite

by TerryLema

If someone were to ask me my least favorite day of the year, they might think I would choose an anniversary of a loved one’s loss, or a date when I experienced setback or tragedy. They would be wrong.

My least favorite day of the year is Halloween. I truly dislike Halloween. Truly. There is so much ugly in life by itself, celebrating it (through a longer and longer season every year) vexes my soul.

It is not the children in their little costumes, nor the doorbells announcing their arrival to ask for candy, it is the ugliness, blood and gore, occult and devil inspired decorations that annoy me.

People often tell me they love horror shows. I find a horror show almost every night on the news broadcasts. Horror is what is going on in the war zones, and under dictators and gangs. Horror is a child waking up with no breakfast and no hope that lunch or dinner will be there.

I get on my anti-Halloween soapbox every year. I did last year. I am this year. And if I am around, I probably will next year also.

LORD, fill my vision, my mind, my heart with all things lovely today …“Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” [Philippians 4:8 NLT]

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