My Favorite Holiday!

by TerryLema

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. It was a big event in our home when the kids were growing up. We gathered as family, invited friends and people who had nowhere else to go. I cooked for days. Probably drove the kids crazy trying to get and keep the house clean. We would often play games, such as Trivial Pursuit, while football played out on the television throughout the day.

Even after the kids were grown and had their own families, I still loved family gatherings on Thanksgiving Day.

This year, it will be a bit quieter. We are going to our daughter’s house. There will be a few of us and we are looking forward to a Cajun style thanksgiving meal catered by a local restaurant. I am making pies, and maybe deviled eggs. But probably won’t be spending days cooking!

Still, it will be Thanksgiving. Whether we are in a large crowd or a small intimate dinner, it is a day that is dedicated to being thankful. As Christians, we have so much for which to be thankful. I have been focusing on many of our blessings throughout this month.

The scriptures are clear that it is to be thanksgiving and praise that are to be on our lips when we enter the Presence of the LORD.

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name.” [Psalm 100:4 HCSB]

What a privilege! To come before Him with praise…to give Him thanks for all He has done for us. Amen

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