More to Love!

by TerryLema

Recently our son married a lovely woman with four children. We were so excited for him! We absolutely love her. She welcomed us into her home, her family, her heart. With that marriage we were blessed with four more grandchildren to love. I know technically, we are “step” grandparents, but there is no “step” in the way we feel about them.

This week, my son and daughter-in-love became grandparents, and we became “greats.” A beautiful little boy.

I remember years ago seeing an illustration about love. One candle, representing “LOVE” was lit, then that flame was used to light another candle, and another candle and another. After lighting all the other candles, the flame on the original one was just as bright as when it was first lit.

Love is like that. You can love more and more and more, and still love remains strong. You cannot diminish love by sharing it with more and more people.

Before Jesus went to the cross, He gave us (His disciples) a great command: “So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” [John 13:34-35 NLT]

Love is our greatest testimony in this world—not our words, our love seen in action. And like that candle flame, we can never diminish our love by giving it away, we can only create more light.

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