I am reading four books at present. One is “The Crucified Life” by A. W. Tozer (compiled and edited by James L. Snyder). Its sub-title is “How to Live Out a Deeper Christian Experience.” Tozer’s “The Pursuit of God” may have been the most life-altering book I’ve ever read. I read it early in my Christian walk and it changed my entire perspective.
I highlighted one of the statements in “The Crucified Life,” chapter 4. “Today we seek God and stop searching, whereas the early saints sought God, found Him and continued to seek more of Him.”
David said it this way:
Ps 143:6: “My soul longs for You like a thirsty land.” [NKJV]
Ps 63:8: “My soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me.” [KJV]
We are praying every day at the church for God’s Presence to not just visit but inhabit! We pray for 1 hour, from 6 to 7 PM MDT. We’ve asked others who are longing for God’s Presence to pray with us at that time. I am finding the further we move into this pursuit, the hungrier I have become. So much so that I began arriving at church one hour earlier to pray before anyone else gets there. Now I’m find that arriving one hour earlier isn’t enough. I want more time just so that I might worship Him.
I am hungry. I am thirsty for God. I want more of Him. I am tired of the status quo in our churches, I am tired of “normal!” I want the supernatural, but even more I just want Him!