
by TerryLema

Tomorrow I am flying out to Montana. I have to be at the airport early in the morning. I am not going on a vacation; I am going to officiate a Celebration of Life for a young man. (44 yrs old)

I have been preparing for the trip for about a week now.  I am not as young as I used to be, so air travel is a bit harder than it used to be. I have to account for not just what to wear, but for meds, for all my diabetic supplies, getting a cane through TSA security.

I have to think about what to check and what to carry on.  I need my laptop to pull together everything for the service, and I do not want to check it. I have to figure out how to carry it so that it is available to be screened the way TSA wants. It is not light; I will probably have to put it in a backpack.

Then, of course, there is the difficulty of lay-overs and the amount of time I have between flights … can I make it with just a cane between gates, will I have time to use the restroom, should I ask for a wheelchair or transport of some kind?

Lots of things to think about that have absolutely nothing to do with the reason I am going. That is … I need to honor the young man being celebrated and I need to bring words of comfort to his family and friends.

As I made my preparations for my flights, as I made my preparation for the Celebration of Life, I reflected on two especially important things about life.

One, we need to make sure we are prepared for that “final flight” when we exit this life for our eternal one. Have we surrendered our life to Christ Jesus? Do we know where we are going?

Two, we need to make sure our family and friends know we are prepared for our eternal life. We should never leave them wondering if we have given our life to Christ.

I will be offline from March 18 through March 23.  See you on the 24th.  God bless!


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