
by TerryLema

I was thinking about Good Friday’s service at Christian Faith Center (CFC) Middleton last week.

Worship was special, I loved that the Espanol and the English churches were together, and that we sang worship in both English and Spanish. I admit I just sat there and soaked it all in, thinking how l longed for that for so long and here it was.

The message was great. Pastor Monty embraced the Scriptures and brought them through personal experience. There was something in that message that everyone in the service could identify with.

And there were miracles!

I think we miss many miracles because we expect them to look different. We want to see legs grow or backs straightened or cancers healed. We often look past the miracles that happen right around us.

There were three miracles at that service. Three people lifted their hands for salvation. Three people were transferred from the realm of darkness into the kingdom of His Dear Son. Three people walked through the front doors and straight into the arms of a loving, living Savior. Three people experienced the greatest of miracles. Praise His Holy Name!

“For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son.” [Colossians 1:13 NLT]

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