
by TerryLema

The simple definition for meditation is to spend time in quiet thought.  As a culture, I think we have lost that ability.

Meditation, contemplation, reflection, quiet thought – whatever we call it, for the most part is a lost art.  We are energized, always on the move, searching for success, planning, organizing, and filling our days with social media, sports, music, videos, television, webinars, podcasts, and the like.  To spend time in quiet thought we first have to find two things, time and quiet, both rare commodities.

I know someone who likes to meditate.  People who meditate the way she does are always searching for their ‘true center, that place of calmness, clarity and compassion’ that they say is present within all of us.  I don’t disagree with her practice of meditation, I’m just not sure she’s looking in the correct place.

The Scripture does call us to meditate, however, it calls us to ‘find our true center in God’ not in ourselves.  It calls us to wait on the Lord.  It calls us to wait in silence.  In those times we not only learn about God but learn about our relationship with Him and how that relationship can be deepened for His glory and purposes.

Can you find time in your busy day today to just think about what it means to wait on the LORD, and what it means to wait silently for God alone?

Isa 40:31:  But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. NKJV

Ps 62:5:  My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him. NKJV


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