Maturity or Not: Part Two

by TerryLema

James 1:4:  … so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing. [HCSB]

There’s that word again — mature [HCSB], perfect [KJV], in the Greek meaning completeness.

It is combined this time with complete [HCSB], entire [KJV], in the Greek meaning perfectly sound.

God’s goal is that we are complete and perfectly sound, lacking nothing in our spiritual walk with Him.  I so agree with that!  I want to be complete and perfectly sound.  I’m just not quite as enthusiastic with the pathway James sets forth to achieve those things.  Here’s the rest of the story …

James 1:2-4:  Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.  [HCSB]

Endurance (perseverance) in trials and testing of faith.  It is that wonderful word hupomone; meaning cheerful (or hopeful) endurance, constancy.  It is often translated as patience.  Cheerful patience.

Learning to be cheerfully patient in trials and testing matures us.  Too often we think if we just pray for perseverance, it will supernaturally be dropped into our attitude.  That’s never the way it has worked for me.

Instead, I find myself in situations where I simply must change my attitude and find a way through God’s Holy Spirit to handle the situation differently than just becoming frustrated or angry.

As I learn perseverance, cheerful patience in dealing with little things (like the never-ending lines in Walmart), I can then apply that to more intense trials and testing.

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