
by TerryLema

First day of March. Meteorologists consider this the first day of spring (for statistical purposes). Astrological spring this year is March 20.

The first day of March (no matter how bad the weather) always sounds like a promise that warm weather and flowers are on the way. March reminds me of the Genesis promise God gave following the flood. “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest … will not cease.” [8:22 HCSB]

This year the last day of March is very special. It is Resurrection Sunday. It is the celebration of another Genesis promise God gave following the fall of mankind. “I will put hostility between you (the serpent) and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.” [Genesis 3:15 HCSB

Genesis 3:15 is called the “protoevangelium” or “first gospel” because it is the first promise of a Savior found in the Scriptures.

The most amazing thing about this “first gospel” is that it shows us that God had already planned the salvation of fallen man – and He revealed it as soon as sin entered the world through Adam’s & Eve’s wrong choices. God was not caught unawares, and was way ahead of Satan’s plan to bring God’s creation down.

God knew He would send a Savior, and He knew just whom that Savior would be. “The Son of God [Christ Jesus] was revealed for this purpose: to destroy the Devil’s works.” [1John 3:8 HCSB]

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