Lovin’ Those “Therefores” (Friends Part Three)

by TerryLema

Our friend, Christ Jesus, not only sits at the Right Hand of the Father and lives to intercede for us, not only understands all our weaknesses, but also provides an avenue for us to approach.

Hebrews 4:15 told us: “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tested in every way as we are, yet without sin.”  

Then the writer of Hebrews begins the next thought with that wonderful word, “Therefore.”

“Therefore, let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us at the proper time.” [Hebrews 4:16 HCSB]

I love the “therefores” we find in the Word of God. They connect the cause and the consequence. Because Jesus is our High Priest, because he sympathizes with our weaknesses, because He too was tested in every way just as we are … we now can approach the Throne of Grace with boldness!

Not with arrogance, as if there is something in us that deserves what we will find there, but with a boldness that recognizes we can approach because of our High Priest who awaits us there.

At that throne of grace, we receive mercy and find the grace to help us when we need it. What joy!

Thank you, Christ Jesus, for all you endured to provide the “therefore” to approach Your Throne of Grace. Amen

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