Lovely, Noble, Praiseworthy

by TerryLema

I am not a fan of Halloween. I never have found anything delightful in this commercially-energized holiday. I hate the gore, the occultic proclamations of witches, demons and devils that too often take a front row seat.  I find no beauty, nor goodness, nor grace in this day. There is enough evil in this world without dressing our children in it.

Whenever this date rolls around I think about what Paul wrote. “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.” [Phil 4:8-9]

I love those words … true … noble … right … pure … lovely … admirable … excellent … praiseworthy. I don’t see many of those words in this day. I sometimes wonder if those words have even become archaic in our day and age. We no longer talk about true … we talk about relevant. We don’t call out noble or right, we lift success and power. As for lovely, admirable or excellent, we highlight defiance, opposition and failure. Praiseworthy? I’m not sure we even see that much in our churches.

It’s time, beloved, to focus on Paul’s words again, not the words we see touted in media and networks. If I am going to think about anything this day, I want it to be defined by one or more of those words.  Today, it’s the true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy that will capture my attention and thanksgiving.

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