
by TerryLema

I have been fussing a little lately. And I know I have been fussing a little lately. I even know why I have been fussing a little lately – and that is over the loss of physical capabilities.

When I was younger, I never gave much thought to being able to do things. I walked where I wanted to go. I could lift heavy pans of water and cast-iron skillets. I did not need a cane for balance. I could go up and down stairs without having to concentrate on each one.  I could get on the floor and get right back up.

I did not give a thought to my physical capabilities – until I lost them.

Loss: “The act or fact of being unable to keep or maintain something or someone.” [Merriam-Webster]

I mentioned a while back that whenever I am in a difficult situation, I pray the 23 Psalm in my mind. As I was fussing lately, God brought back just one verse. “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, You anoint my head with oil, my cup runs over.” [Psalm 23:5}

Loss is an enemy. Loss is part of the curse of sin and death. While both have been conquered by Christ Jesus on the cross, we are waiting to see the ultimate fulfillment of that victory when we see Him face-to-face. We are yearning for His return so that death (and all its associated loss) will forever be gone.

While we wait, our Beloved Good Shepherd sets a table of abundance for us before our enemies. He comforts us with anointing oil as we “fuss” in our waiting. Our cup of grace and mercy truly overflows.

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