Live Through Him

by TerryLema

We are children of God. We are children of God because God loves us. That love was revelated to us when God sent His One and Only Son into this world to die on a cross, taking our sin, guilt, and shame.

The Apostle John, after telling us that God calls us His children in 1 John 3:1 (yesterday’s devotion), goes on and adds to that truth in the next chapter.

“God’s love was revealed among us in this way: God sent His One and Only Son into the world so that we might live through Him.” [1 John 4:9 HCSB]

God’s love was “revealed.” The word is phaneroó. It means to make visible ,make clear, make plain or apparent. It comes from a root word meaning “light.” [Strongs]

Christ Jesus, the Light of the World, came so that we might be made alive through Him. God chose to reveal His love for us in a tiny baby born in a manger. In a man who lived in this dusty world like we do. In a Chosen Son who died on a cross.

He experienced rejection, loss, grief, persecution, and death. He was tempted by the enemy of our souls but emerged triumphant and sin free.

He went to a cross, to a grave, to the dark realms of the enemy and emerged with the keys to death and the grave.

In Him, we now live. He gives us life! Glory to God!

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