Light & Truth

by TerryLema

Ever been depressed? I have. In fact, I think many of my younger years were marked by depression. Depression can be extremely debilitating. It affects how you feel, think, and behave. It can be a major mood disorder, marked by persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest. When people suffer with clinical depression, they often need medication and/or therapy to move beyond it.

Some of the new medications for various illnesses also carry the potential side effect of depression. Most of us at some point have probably suffered from mild depression (the blues) or even to something more intense.

The enemy of our soul loves to see us depressed. He seeks to remind us constantly how dreadful we are, what terrible Christians we are. He will dredge up our mistakes and sins and try to move our focus from our Savior. If he can convince us with his lies, depression is often a result.  That it is why it is so important to make sure that we are following our LORD and not the inclinations of the enemy.

When you read Psalm 43 you will notice that the psalmist admits his depression. Because of that acknowledgement, he asks God to “Send Your light and Your truth; let them lead me. Let them bring me to Your holy mountain, to Your dwelling place. Then I will come to the altar of God, to God, my greatest joy. I will praise You with the lyre, God, my God.”   [Psalm 43:3-4 HCSB]

That reminds me of the fact that Jesus said He was both light and truth. As believers, we need to focus on the Light of Christ and the Truth of His Holy word. We need to let Him lead us out of the darkness the enemy of our soul wants to keep us in. When we keep our focus on Christ Jesus, and remain in the Presence of God Almighty, we will have joy! The darkness has to flee when light is present.

Thank you, LORD. Today I focus on you as Light and Truth. I thank you for leading me into the very Presence of God and filling me with joy. I will praise you God, my God! Amen

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