Light Shine!

by TerryLema

It is hard to believe that in the middle of winter, as we are now, our days are getting longer! They have been lengthening by a few minutes a day since December 20. Of course, we also have more cloudy days, along with rain and fog and snow and  … so we probably do not notice the increasing daylight.

One lovely thing about our house, which we did not notice when we bought it in the month of May, is that in the winter months our house faces the sun directly from mid-day on. With our big front window, and our glass security door, the light floods in and it will heat our living room quite nicely. There are even times when sitting in my chair is too hot from the sunshine pouring in.  (That’s if there are no clouds or rain or fog or snow ….)

Still, I enjoy basking in that light when I can.

What made me think about the wonderful light and warmth that I enjoy mid-winter was a daily verse taken from Jesus’ sermon on the mount.  “Let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” [Matthew 5:16 HCSB]

Just prior to that verse Jesus reminded his listeners that they were “the light of the world,” and like a city up on a hill their light could not be hidden.

As I contemplated the light flooding in my front window and the effect it had on everything in that room, I thought about the light in us. We are to let it shine wherever we go so that the good things we do (and yes, we should be doing good things) will bring glory to our Father God.

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