Life Changing Truth

by TerryLema

I know I should not be, but I am still amazed when those who do not know Christ, who do not live for Him, or desire to serve Him will say to me, “Jesus would” or “Jesus wouldn’t.” They often tell me that Jesus fellowshipped with sinners (yes, He did) and that Jesus would accept people just as they are (yes, He would). But how they mean it, and how it truly is, doesn’t quite mesh.

They forget that while Jesus ate and fellowshipped with sinners and allowed all kinds of people to come to Him – His purpose was not to leave them the way He found them (in sin) but to bring life-changing truth into their lives.

The Gospels tell us that Jesus called Matthew to be His disciple. Matthew was a hated tax collector. Tax collectors were considered one of the most grievous of sinners. Matthew, in response to Jesus’ call hosted a dinner for others to meet the Lord. Matthew invited his circle of friends, which are described as sinners and tax collectors.” When the religious leaders saw this, they rebuked Jesus. Why do you eat with sinners and tax collectors,” they asked.

His response is telling. “When Jesus heard this, He told them, ‘Those who are well don’t need a doctor, but the sick do need one. I didn’t come to call the righteous, but sinners.’” [Mark 2:17 HCSB]

Why do we call a doctor? Because we are sick. What do we expect the doctor to do? Leave us in our sickness?  No, we expect the doctor to heal us.

Jesus compared Himself to a doctor—a spiritual doctor. Why does Jesus fellowship with sinners? Because they are sinners—spiritually sick. What does He want to do? Leave them in their sickness? No, He intends for them to be made well—spiritually well.

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