Leave Nothing to Chance

by TerryLema

I have been trying to walk more and get some of my strength and stamina back.  Spring and Autumn are my two favorite seasons for walking, no ice on the sidewalk and not blast-furnace hot!

Springtime always reminds me that God doesn’t leave anything to chance. Spend some time observing God’s creation and you will see that is a true statement.

Take a drive through the mountains, walk along the ocean’s shore, hike in the forest, and see the countless beauty.  Look at the varieties of birds, see the colors and forms of the flora, survey the back of a single leaf, catch a sunrise and you can only imagine what it must have been like before God’s creation was maimed by man’s sin.

I love to watch people.  The skin colors, the shapes of eyes and noses and ears, the beauty of children from various ethnic groups all speak of God’s amazing love.  I love to visit zoos and see God’s whimsy in the animals from around the world.  I love to pet a puppy’s nose or touch a kitten’s ears.  God has left nothing to chance in His Creation, all have been formed by His wisdom and wonder.

He has also left nothing to chance in His children.  He promises that He will fulfill His purpose in us according to His counsel.  Yes, we are saved but even more, we are being conformed to the image of His Son Jesus. [Romans 8:29]

We have the promise that by the same wisdom and counsel that created all these marvelous things of beauty that we enjoy, He will work in us.  We too will obtain an inheritance, one that is untainted by sin, and we shall become and fulfil the purpose He has for us.  We are even more beautiful to Him than the loveliest of sunrises or massive oceans or the stars in the night sky.

No, God doesn’t leave even us to chance!

“In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will.”  [Eph 1:11 NKJV]

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