Learning Christ

by TerryLema

The Greek word “manthano” means to learn or understand.  Paul used it in Ephesians 4 where he was talking about the old man (what we were before) and the new man (what we are now that we have been reborn in Christ).

“But you have not so learned Christ, if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus.”  [Ephesians 4:20-21 NKJV]

Paul reminds us that it is not simply the doctrine of Christ that we have learned, but Christ Himself.  And it is not just getting to know the person, it is applying the knowledge of Christ as we walk.

This learning Christ changes us.  We walk differently than we did before.  We are no longer bound by the old nature, with all its lusts and futilities, ignorant of God and alienated from Him.

Now we are being moved into maturity.  Our minds are renewed by what we are learning of Christ.  Our new man is moving in true righteousness and holiness.  We think differently, we act differently, we are different.  At least that is what is supposed to happen.

The Bible is very clear that we have a part in our maturing.  God has a plan for us to mature (to be conformed to the image of His Son).  Christ is the way of maturity. The Spirit guides us along the way of maturity. We provide the will to embrace maturity.

Without the involvement of our will, we will never learn Christ.

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