Lead Me

by TerryLema

The fourth two-word request found in David’s Psalm 143 is one that I have often prayed and found so true for my life.

 “May Your gracious Spirit lead me on level ground.” [V10b]

I used to walk at lunch around downtown Boise when I worked for the City and at St. Luke’s. Many of my paths were through older sections of the city where the majestic old trees had broken up the sidewalk and left it uneven and in places even dangerous. I had to concentrate on my path.

Now I walk in newer areas around my house, but I still must think about level ground since my walking is affected by my physical limitations. I must concentrate on what is under my feet even more since even the slightest bump or crack can trip me up.

We can easily understand what it means to walk on natural level ground, but what does it mean to walk on spiritual level ground? Spiritual level ground is the Word of God, revealed to us in Scripture and through the illumination of the Spirit of God.

Spiritual level ground neither incites nor enflames. It provides a true and steady path from generation to generation. The path of God we walk is the path set out in the teachings of both the Old and New Testament. They are the teachings of our LORD and Savior Christ Jesus. The path future generations walk will be the same.

The ground we walk becomes uneven and full of potholes and things that trip us up only when we divert from the foundation of Christ Jesus. For no one can lay any other foundation than what has been laid down. That foundation is Jesus Christ.” [1 Corinthians 3:11 HCSB]

It is wise to pray each day that God leads us on “spiritual level ground!” Amen.

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