
by TerryLema

It’s National Heart Month, so I’ve been thinking about our hearts … not just our physical ones that can rule our physical health, but our spiritual ones that rule our spiritual wellbeing.

One day the Pharisees, the religious rulers of Jesus’ day that were so strict in their observance of the law, sent a lawyer to Jesus with a question. It wasn’t that they wanted an answer, they were testing Him, hoping to catch Him doing or saying something wrong so they could accuse Him. The lawyer asked Him about the greatest commandment.

“Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment.” [Matthew 22:37-39 NKJV]

The greatest of all commandments is to love the LORD our God, not with a shallow, part-time, or only when it’s convenient love, but with all our heart, mind and soul.

One thing about commandments or laws, if you break just one you are considered a “lawbreaker.” I may obey all the rules of driving in my state except the one I don’t like – coming to a complete stop at a stop-sign. Breaking that one law makes me a “lawbreaker” in the sight of those who set the law.

People like to think of themselves as righteous and good, setting their own rules and standards, always making sure the “lawbreaker” line is just a little beyond them – it’s called relativism.

God gave one great commandment and only one person has ever kept it. Jesus kept that command completely and wholly. And praise His Holy Name, He’s taken the punishment for us “lawbreakers” and imparted to us His righteousness. Thank you Lord!

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