Lack Wisdom?

by TerryLema

Every day I receive a few emails containing a “Verse-of-the-Day.”  Often those verses confirm something I have been thinking about, or something in my devotion that I had planned to send out that day. Sometimes those verses reflect a celebration, such as Mother’s Day or Easter or Christmas.

The other day two of the verses spoke about wisdom. The first spoke of the wisdom found in God. “Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! How unsearchable His judgments and untraceable His ways!” [Romans 11:33 HCSB]

The second verse spoke of the wisdom we need and where we can find it.  “Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives to all generously and without criticizing and it will be given to him.” [James 1:5 HCSB]

I admit I started to laugh when I opened that second verse … it was the first condition set forth in that verse that got e, “Now if any of you lack wisdom….”

Did James really think there are some out there that do NOT lack wisdom?

Every day life tosses something at us that we probably did not expect. Every day the enemy of our soul tries to deceive us. Every day the world tries to influence us to think like it does. Every day our own sin nature tries to convince us it still has power over us.

Every day we need to combat those things, not with our own wisdom or in our own strength but in God’s wisdom and the power of His Spirit within us.

God says all we have to do is ask. So, do we?

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