I am back in Colossians again. In that opening chapter, Paul tells his readers that he is praying and asking God to give them a few things that they will need to honor and please the LORD and to fill their hearts with joy and thanksgiving.
His first prayer is for knowledge of God’s will along with spiritual wisdom & understanding. “We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord.” [Colossians 1:9b-10a NLT]
We are in the middle of a presidential election season. I think politicians would prefer to have us dumb, uninformed, and lacking in understanding. They want us to simply believe all they say, never checking facts, or questioning promises. Short sound bites are promoted. The thirty-second commercials are repeated over and over so we blindly follow where they lead.
But our God is not like that. He doesn’t want us to be dumb, uninformed, and lacking in understanding. Instead, He wants to give us a complete knowledge of His will. He wants to impart to us spiritual wisdom and understanding.
Paul reminds us to seek those things that God so willingly wants to give.
When we become knowledgeable followers, we will live in a way that will always honor and please our LORD Christ Jesus. With spiritual wisdom we can refute the messages of this world and the enemy of our soul.
Politicians want to be re-elected, so they need us to be blind followers. God isn’t up for re-election (ever!) and He wants us to be full of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.