The author of Hebrews 12 tells us to “strength [our] feeble arms and weak knees.” Our spiritual knees are connected to our spiritual hearts. The word of the Lord came to the prophet Ezekiel regarding the final fall of Judah into the hands of Babylon. He described the coming disaster and the reaction of the people as panic and moaning, faces covered with shame, hands that go limp, and knees becoming as water. [Ezekiel 7]
In Romans 14, Paul describes a time when all men will appear before the judgment seat of God, and when that happens “’as surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.’”
The condition of our spiritual knees reflects the condition of our hearts. Our knees become weak when faced with the trials and disasters of life. Our knees grow weak when our hearts grow fearful. Our knees grow weak when our sins come back to roost, when our failings are seen, when we come face to face with the consequences and with the discipline.
One of the primary ways to strengthen these feeble knees is to bend them, first of all, willingly before our God. There is coming a time when every knee will bow, every knee in heaven, on earth and under the earth will bow at the name of Jesus. [Philippians 2:10]
That bending of the knee will come one of two ways, either it will be a voluntary bending of the knee at the name of Jesus, or it will be a forced bending of the knee, but make no mistake, every knee of every man and woman of every age will bow.
We have been granted the glorious privilege now to know the name of Jesus, to accept his Lordship in our lives. This means bending our knees to His will now. No matter what life hands us, no matter what trial we face, no matter how tough the battle, or how fierce the fighting, we bow to His will, we bend the knee, and we become stronger in the process.