Keep Your Head!

by TerryLema

There are times when I just want to cringe at what Christians post on social media. It seems that we are developing the ‘Chicken Little’ syndrome.  We post rumors and respond to tales and fables as if they are Gospel.  We often fail to check facts. We perceive threats where there are none, and often ignore the very real threats that are out there!

Paul in 2Timothy 4:3-5 foretold about our times: “For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths. But you should keep a clear mind in every situation….”

The NIV translates the beginning of verse 5 as “But you, keep your head in all situations …” and the NKJV says, “be watchful in all things….” 

The Greek word there is nepho (nay’-fo), and it simply means to abstain from wine or be sober. Translating it that way doesn’t make me smile as much as keep a clear mind or keep your head in all situations.

If there was ever a time to keep our heads, it is today.  Our world is much more dangerous, our culture is shifting, and the church has hit a crossroads where it must determine if it is going to embrace the times or the truth.

We are, as Peter said in 1 Peter 3, supposed to be prepared to give an answer when people see the hope in us … but if we continue to act like fools no one is going to see anything in us they want!

Remember – keep a clear mind, keep your head in all situations!

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