My online news feed wants to convince me of “All the ways the royals are just like us.” One prime example to prove that point was the fact that recently the Duchess of Sussex (the former Meghan Markle) shut her own car door! Be still my heart! I am laughing thinking about all the times I’ve schlepped three kids, diaper bags, groceries, and other items in and out of cars, vans and trucks. I’m pretty sure I closed my own door, along with everyone else’s more than once.
The article also cited the time Prince William and Duchess Kate had to deal with a two-year-old’s tantrum in public. I remember the time my two-year-old decided to throw a tantrum in the check-out at the grocery store, throwing himself on the floor, kicking and screaming loud enough to wake the dead, all the while I’m trying to gather up my bags, my other child and get all of us out of the store as quickly as I could. I must admit I was tempted to just leave him there!
While I’m pretty sure the “royals” are not just like us in most ways, I’m also sure that the royals are in one way just like us. They may have all the privileges and auxiliary help anyone could ever need. They may never have to shut their own car doors. But they, like us, will one day have to give an accounting of themselves before the LORD.
There are two places of accounting in Scripture. There is the BEMA Seat for those who know Christ Jesus, where believers will receive their rewards (2 Corinthians 5:10). There is the White Throne Judgment Seat for all those who have rejected Christ Jesus as LORD, whose names are not written in the Book of Life (Revelation 20:12-15}.
Being “royal” here will not count there. The only thing that will count is whether we have surrendered to Christ Jesus, whether He has written our names in His Book of Life.