Just As I Am

by TerryLema

I love music. I had musical parents. My mother played a mean piano. I can still hear her swinging out on “Just a Closer Walk with Thee.” My father could not play an instrument, but he played a mean record player. All kinds of music but especially Dixieland Jazz. And he loved to sing.

I learned to play the organ at that time when home organs became popular, but over the years lugging that organ around in our many moves became too difficult and we ended up giving it away.  I miss that Baldwin!

Recently I purchased a used full keyboard. It plays like a piano. While I was never very good playing piano, I’m sitting with some old hymn and chorus books and playing music again – and loving it.  I love the hymns and the choruses, both new and old.

There is an old hymn that was often played for altar calls, “Just as I am” by Charlotte Elliot. I love the words of the opening verse. “Just as I am, without one plea, But that thy blood was shed for me, And that Thou bidd’st me come to Thee, O Lamb of God, I come, I come!”

It reminds me how often Jesus invited us to “come.” He asked Peter and Andrew to “come, follow me.”  He invited Peter to “come” walk on the water with Him. He invited all the weak and weary to “come” to Him and lay down their heavy burden in exchange for His light one. He told the disciples to let the little children “come” to Him. He invited His weary followers to “come” to a quiet place alone with Him to rest.

But perhaps there is no greater invitation than that one to come to His cross just as we are, asking for nothing from Him except His wonderful salvation. “O Lamb of God, I come, I come.”


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