I had a wonderful conversation with a young pastor last Wednesday. He came out to The Way in Middleton from his church in Boise to talk about prayer. We did talk about prayer, but mainly we talked about Jesus and some of our life experiences of what God has done in us, our families, our churches. It was very easy to see immediately how much he loves the LORD.
Romans 8:29 gives the awesome promise that “those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son.” [NIV]
That pretty much sums up God’s will for our lives – that we be conformed to look like God’s Son, Christ Jesus. How the Holy Spirit produces that likeness in us is individual. What produces Christ in me will be different than what produces Christ in you.
The image of Christ Jesus is to be seen in us in ever-increasing measure. But as we become more conformed, we do not lose who we are as individuals. Instead that Christ-like image is seen through our desires, in our personalities, our intellect, our emotions, our decisions and our talents.
I don’t know if you have ever had the experience of meeting someone new and realizing as soon as the conversation begins, that they are a servant to the LORD-ship of Christ. When that happens, it truly is the Jesus-in-me meeting the Jesus-in-them. It is a wonderfully edifying experience.
Beloved, may we all be more like Christ each day. Amen and Amen.